Elevate head on 2 or more pillows for 1-2 days. No physical exercise, heavy lifting, or straining. Limit these activities until seen for your follow-up.

Start with cold, clear liquids (Jello, Gatorade, popsicles, water, etc. ). Frequent cold, icy treats may be better tolerated than attempts to force large amounts of anything at one time. No hard, crisp, hot, highly seasoned, acidic foods or juices. You may have apple, grape, or cranberry juice. Advance your diet as you tolerate to full liquids (pudding, milk shakes, and pureed foods.) Usually by the third day you can advance to soft foods (mashed potatoes, soft meats, soft cooked eggs, soft cereal, etc.) A regular diet is gradually resumed. PUSH FLUIDS.
You will be given a prescription for pain. Please do not take on an empty stomach. Take at least one dose of pain medication through the night so pain will be more tolerable in the a.m. Take full antibiotic prescription as prescribed. DO NOT TAKE Asprin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Goody Powder, Standback, or any Asprin products for two weeks. if your pain medication causes sedation, decreasing the dose or even stopping the medication may be appropriate. Contact your physician if you have any question regarding medications.
SPECIAL INTRUCTIONS: Expect bad breath for 10-14 days. You may have a stiff neck and referred ear pain. You may use an ice pack on your neck for comfort if needed. You may a relapse of throat pain in 7-10 days. You may notice blood streaks when spitting. If adenoids were removed, you may see dried blood in the nose or have a litle bloody drainage from the nose. Expect tonsillar wounds to have a yellowish crust which will slough off at approximately 7-10 days. Coughing, hawking, and clearing of the throat should be avoided. Gargles are not to be attempted unless recommended, but the mouth may be rinsed. Drinking cold fluids, although uncomfortable, will also ease throat pain.

Call Us If:
-Pain uncontrolled with medication
-Nausea or vomiting uncontrolled with meds
-Temperature above 101
-Large amounts of bleeding or drainage
-Inability to swallow

An ear, nose and throat specialist is a physican concerned with the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck.
Office: (256) 238-0200
FAX: (256) 236-8007